Sunday 13 September 2009



1 comment:

  1. Bismillah, what a great and informative channel NOOR TV is. I watch it all the time. May Allah bless Shaykh Alaudin Siddiqui. I especially enjoy the english programmes including SEARCH 4 TRUTH which is a ladies programme. A sister called Sadia regularly gets into a jam with her views. Lets talk about last nights show where she repeatedly used the 'shirk' argument with regards to people showing love and respect to elders alive or dead yet she seems to love and respect her 'shaykh' very much. Brothers and sisters please stop using the word 'shirk' lightheartedly. We do not go to graves to worship the dead, we go to pray for the dead and yes we do ask for intercession. We do not attach partners to Allah (swt), we believe in his oneness. The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said 'And verily, i do not fear that you will commit polytheism after me. But, I verily fear you will dispute with one another with it'. Therefore Sadia take a chill pill and repeat the Kalima. 'There is no god but Allah and Muhammad (saw) IS his messenger'. Need english subtitles for all the programmes so non-urdu speakers and the mainstream public can also understand the true beauty of Islam. English like Arabic is also a truly wonderful language and perfect sunni tranlations are most needed. Asalaam o alaikum.
